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Chelsea Smile

Glasgow Smile


The Glasgow smile, also known as the Chelsea smile or the Glasgow smiley, is a wound caused by making a cut from the corners of the mouth to the ears, often resulting in permanent scarring. It is typically associated with organized crime and is considered a form of facial disfigurement. Due to its association with violence, its portrayal in fiction and media should be approached with caution and sensitivity.

Cultural Context

The term "Glasgow smile" is believed to have originated in Glasgow, Scotland, where it was reportedly used by street gangs as a form of punishment or intimidation. It has also been connected to organized crime groups, particularly in the United Kingdom, who use it as a tool of fear and control. The name "Chelsea smile" is derived from the Chelsea district in London, where it is said to have been used by football hooligans in the 1970s and 1980s.

In popular culture, the Glasgow smile has been featured in numerous works of fiction, often depicting its association with violence and criminal activity. However, its portrayal can vary, and it is important to approach its use with sensitivity and an understanding of its real-life implications.


The Glasgow smile is a disturbing and violent act that can have lasting and devastating consequences. Its use in fiction and media should be handled responsibly, taking into account its cultural and historical context. By understanding the significance and impact of this injury, we can promote awareness and prevent its glorification or trivialization.
